— Projects

Visual Intelligence: A Goal Towards Prevention and A Cure

Client: Visual Intelligence

Year: 2024

Duration: 5 months

Platform: Website

Tools: WordPress, CSS, Chatbot built with: React, Next.js, OpenAI

NJIT 2024 Capstone Showcase – Researched for biomarkers in the pupil and their correlation to violent behavior with a new website to showcase research, implemented ecommerce platform, and real time chat bot


As a team we had to consider the needs of our sponsor Jacques Ohayon and what he was hoping to accomplish this semester through the Capstone Program. He has worked tirelessly in his research of biomarkers in the pupil and their correlation with perpetration of mass casualty events and violent behavior. He details his findings in his book “How to Prevent Mass Killing”. While he aims to continue spreading the word of his work in this field, he has also recently pivoted into research in the use of machine learning and AI in the diagnostic and drug discovery field, and how to ensure it is being used in an ethical fashion.


UX Designer
Quality improvements to the site by removing any non functioning links and buttons, consolidated the navigation bar, and fixed other minor issues


Research the ethics of AI in the medical industry and promotion of our sponsor’s book, most of the changes we made to the site focused on achieving those goals. In regards to promotion of the book, we added information about the book, a functionality to purchase and download the book on the site, a review system, and a page dedicated to highlighting important references used in the book. Furthermore, to aid in promotion and community outreach, we implemented Newsletter for our Sponsor, and added the ability to subscribe to it on the newly updated contact us page. We also implemented a chatbot and FAQ system in order to allow people to have their questions answered quickly and easily.

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